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"Jack, we should check it out."
"Because I really don't want to die on this planet and so help me, you're going to live through this mission. Even if I have to tranq you and carry your unconscious body through the gate."
"I didn't touch it."
"You were going to."
"I didn't."
"Daniel...I saw the button. I saw the look in your eye. I saw your hand lift. Case closed."
"But I didn't touch it."
"Because I handcuffed your hands to Mason's pack."
"I wasn't going to touch it."
At this, Jack gave him such a disbelieving look that Daniel briefly closed his eyes...then tried a softer, negotiatory tone.
"When are we going to that temple?"
"We're not."
Jack stiffened a bit and gave Harris a look designed to make him shut up.
He did look nervous, but didn't stop.
"Sir, I saw what looked like debris by the rocks. There might be more of the gadgets the Major mentioned."
"Harris, we're almost to the rendezvous site where the rest of our two teams are waiting with a cart load of technology. Why would I turn around and walk all the way back across the city, down the hill, past 13 or so mud puddles, just to look at an odd grouping of rocks Mason and Daniel 'think' might be a temple?"
"I wasn't going to ask about the temple again."
"Oh? Then what?"
"Take off the handcuffs...they're chafing my wrists."
"We're not past the buildings with all the buttons and weird things, yet,"
"Jack, this is ridiculous. I'm not a child and I don't appreciate being treated like one. Next thing I know, you're gonna make me stand in the corner or something."
"'re safe there...there were buttons in all the corners."
"Awww...sheesh, Jack. Take the stupid cuffs off."
"I can't."
"You lost the key, didn't you."
"Well then, what?"
"I didn't bring it to start with."
"Jack, you're so soon as Sam gets me're dead."
"You mean as soon as she's done laughing at you and then lets you out."
"She won't laugh."
"Of course she'll laugh. You look hilarious, tagging along behind our 'little' doctor."
Jack won a killer look from Syla for that comment.
"She won't laugh. You'll see."
Jack just grinned at him, confident no one would be able to withstand laughing at the sight in front of him.
Mason was only about five foot two--short as anything, with a tall Daniel shackled to her pack, trying not to run her over with his longer strides.
No way anyone could resist that.
"Okay, Jack...if Sam laughs, I won't say anything more about the temple. If she doesn't laugh, you have to let us go. Deal?"
Jack's eyes sparkled with mirth.

* * * * * *

Jack had ordered Mason and Gorowitz to take the cart through the gate and arrange for a second cart to be sent through to get the rest of the gadgets Carter couldn't stop talking about.
"Daniel, are you sure it's a temple?"
Sam didn't miss the annoyance in the Colonel's expression as she picked the lock and freed Daniel, but couldn't figure out what caused it.
"There's always a possibility it's not, but it definitely looks like a religious site. There's something familiar about the way the rocks looked, but it's not coming to mind. Jack said we could go take a look while the carts are being switched."
Sam looked at Jack in surprise.
"Really, sir? That's sweet of you."
Jack looked her in the eye, a sardonic quirk to his mouth.
"Thank you, Captain. Okay...Frome, if you're not armed, get that way. You and Harris are our back-up. You see any blow it away. Teal'c, you bring up the rear. Make sure no lizards catch us off guard again. Understood?"
Teal'c nodded.
"Yes, sir."
"Yes, sir."
"Sir, you do realize I know how to use a gun."
Jack graced Sam with a wicked grin that made every female bite their lip to keep him from seeing how it affected them.
"Yes, Carter, I know. You'll be carrying a gun as well. Unfortunately, you won't be much use as a lizard look-out since you'll be dogging Danny-boy. If his finger moves toward anything resembling a button or a royally P.O.'d alien, then you're to immediately blow the offending finger to that?"
Shaking in silent laughter, Sam barely managed a "Yes, sir."
Satisfied, Jack turned toward a thoroughly annoyed Daniel and motioned everyone to start walking.
Lovely...oh so lovely.
Just what he needed...more rocks.

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