Page 25

    * * * * * *

    Jack rounded the corner and ducked sideways, just in time to avoid being clobbered by falling books.
    Grinning, he helped the spluttering archaeologist stack the books again and then he stepped back to watch her lift them very carefully.
    "You know, I could carry some of those."
    Dr. Bre Jacey just stared at him for a moment.
    "Wha? Oh. No, ummm sir. I'm fine. Just returning some books to Dr. Jackson."
    Jack suppressed a laugh at how red her blush was as she mentioned Daniel.
    Trying to be kind, he took a few of the books off the top.
    "No arguments. Lead the way."
    Now blushing furiously, the young woman set a brisk pace and arrived at Daniel's office just ahead of the Colonel.
    "Thank you, sir. I appreciate the help."
    Jack was about to reply when a very pensive Daniel Jackson came into view.
    Raising his eyebrows, he reached over and opened the office door to let Dr. Jacey in so she could put the books down.
    Daniel stopped, suddenly aware people were entering his office.
    "Hi, Jack. Hi, Bre. Oh, good. I need that one."
    No sooner had Bre set down the stack of books than Daniel was grabbing one, palming it open, and muttering to himself, immediately oblivious to anyone else.
    Bre, completely used to Dr. Jackson's work mode, turned to the Colonel.
    "Thank you, sir."
    Jack smiled at her and then grinned as she ducked out of the office.
    Turning back to Daniel, he waved a hand between Daniel's eyes and the book, amused at the way Daniel's eyes almost crossed.
    "Jack! What? Where's Bre? I coulda swore she was just here. Great. Now I have to track her down again."
    Jack just stared at the back of Daniel's head as the younger man, still muttering, grabbed a few papers, a couple books, and a pen.
    "Daniel. She went that way."
    Glancing over to acknowledge Jack, Daniel then left the room at a half run.
    Jack wasn't even going to try to figure out what just happened.

    * * * * * *

    Janet laid back on the infirmary bed, exhausted.
    Her headache was getting worse, but she had no idea why.
    Other than a marked increase in normal brain activity, nothing showed up on any tests.
    Dr. Warren was as befuddled as she was.
    There were only the normal infirmary patients, so this bed probably wouldn't be needed for awhile.
    Good thing, too, because she wasn't sure she could move.
    Janet heard movement beside her and forced her eyes open.
    Dr. Corvores was standing there, concern obvious in the way she dimmed the lights.
    "I took a look at each of your test results. Dr. Warren wanted a second opinion."
    Janet started to nod and nearly passed out from the pain.
    She must of cried out loud the way Corvores moved.
    Feeling a cool wetness on her forehead, she glanced up into wide eyes.
    Then she felt something inside her mind move.
    It was the only way she could describe it.
    Then, a ripping feeling tore through her brain.
    She didn't even hear herself scream.

    * * * * * *

    Sam shoved against the wall, not really expecting anything special to happen.
    She was right.
    Nothing happened.
    Jolinar walked over.
    *I cannot believe there is no softer spot than the one you found earlier. Your mind had many soft spots.*
    Sam glared at her.
    *Okay, so how are we going to do this?*
    *Since we have a weak spot, we will start by tracing what emotion we feel the strongest, the closer we get to the spot.*
    Sam nodded.
    *Okay. I can do that.*
    They walked to the wall, removing the mental 'X' Jolinar had placed on the spot.
    *I'm not feeling anything specific.*
    Jolinar pushed against the wall, trying to pick up something, anything.
    Sam winced when Jolinar slammed her fist into the wall in frustration.
    *I do not understand. It worked with you. Why will it not work with her?*
    Jolinar then stepped back with a gasp as the wall moved against her.
    Sam stumbled a bit, startled.
    * it supposed to do that?*
    Jolinar looked at Sam, confused.
    *No! I do not understand why it is doing that.*
    Sam felt a trail of fear race down her spine, chilling her for a moment.
    She stepped backwards, away.
    Jolinar took two steps back, unwilling to go near the wall where it looked like a large hand was pushing into the shed through the wall.
    Sam gulped at the sight and resolved never to watch another horror movie with Daniel.
    *Okay. Everything here is a mental projection. A way for our minds to relay to us what's happening. Right?*
    Jolinar whirled around as another hand started pushing through the wall behind them.
    The floor tilted as fingers pushed up, causing the women to lose their footing.
    *Then, what does this symbolize? Maybe if we know what's causing it, we can stop it or something.*
    Jolinar barely spared her an incredulous glance before the hands ripped through the shed, the sound of skin tearing filling their ears before a hand slapped them, sending the women flying into nothingness.

    * * * * * *

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