Page 7

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Jack found them in Daniel's office, completely glued to the recording they'd just snitched.
Sam gasped out loud at what she was watching.
"That's what you did? Daniel, that's, actually, it's hilarious, but if anyone sees this..."
"I know. How can we edit this without removing the parts Dr. Corvores needs for her report?"
Two sets of anxious blue eyes met, desperately hoping for a way out of this.
The sound of Jack clearing his throat catapulted the two individuals away from each other to a standing position between the Colonel and the screen.
Jack gave them his best 'I caught you and there's no way out, but please try anyway' expression.
He couldn't wait to find out what would make them look half as guilty as they looked right now.
Sam stiffened to attention while Daniel groaned.
"Yes, sir."
Reaching behind Daniel, she rewound the images to the beginning and as soon as Daniel moved, Jack watched the entire encounter between Sam, Daniel, and Dr. Corvores.
Jack allowed none of his delight to show until he saw in clear detail what exactly Daniel had done to the blithely ignorant Dr. Corvores at which point true, loud gaffaws filled the room.
Daniel relaxed and began searching his mind for ways Jack could help them...more, what he could offer to guarantee cooperation.
Sam turned her best "damsel in distress, usually able to care for herself, but in this one instance could you please..." expression on the unsuspecting Colonel and was gratified to see it warm his eyes and soften his expression.
If anyone ever found out how many times she'd used this expression on him, her reputation would be demolished.
Jack couldn't help but melt before the joined "please help me" looks Daniel and Carter were giving him.
They were like a brother and sister caught red-handed by big brother...hoping he'd bail them out.
Ah, well. What was one more time.
"Tell ya what. I'll take that and show the entire thing, unedited and off-the-record to the General. Then, we'll go with whatever he decides is neccessary."
Jack knew the General would love it and would make the neccessary adjustments to the recording, but there was no way he could tell Carter or Daniel that and it was obvious it hadn't really occured to them by the way their faces fell.
Sam saw resignation enter Daniel's eyes and knew he was right.
They really didn't have a choice and the Colonel had worked miracles with the General before.
All they could do was hope he could do it again.
"Yes, sir."
Daniel just handed Jack the recording and sat down.
Jack was tempted to tell them everything would be fine, but part of him said they deserved to stew a bit since they really had been careless.
He compromised with his conscience by offering to spring for the pizza they were going to have that night when the team met for their regular poker night.
Sam and Daniel smiled as they accepted the Colonel's offer.
They knew he was trying to lighten up the mood and appreciated it.
They were still dead, but at least there was hope.

* * * * * *

Jack waited until he was halfway to the General's office before letting a full-fledged grin makes it appearance.
That grin prompted the General to cut his phone call short with relief.
Watching his second-in-command lock his office door with curiosity, he then listened to the brief introduction the Colonel offered before sitting back to watch the latest of SG-1's lab conversations.
The Colonel had given him an edited tape of all the different embarrassments or humorous events recorded in the lab as a Christmas gift.
One of his favorites was of when Daniel had inadvertantly or deliberately...hard to tell sometimes with him...revealed Lt. Graham Simmon's crush on Capt. Carter.
This was even better.
Jack watched the General, knowing everything would go according to plan.
Besides, he really wanted to see the look on Sam and Daniel's face when they'd found out they'd been recorded yet again.
That was just priceless.

* * * * * *

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Story, graphics, and extra characters are © 1999-2000 StoneGarnets/Garnet Hyneman. Guestbook by Xoom. SG-1 and established canon characters are © MGM, etc...This is a non-profit fansite.